Leadership is the genuine article.. One of the few things real in this world. It can't be pirated, faked, replaced, or outsourced. Leaders live on the perhiperies and make sense of the chaos. They are bold visionaries who do the undoable. They are inspirational and timeless. So how do leaders become great? This is what I am insterested in. This is the purpose of this blog.. I invite all to join the feast of ideas.. "Leadership is not unique to Americans but it makes Americans unique"
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Emporer's COG Analysis..
We know they were evil… but the Empire didn't almost conquer the universe without doing a few things right. Like it or not, the Emperor was a big picture strategic thinker who got it right most of the time (for what he wanted to do).. He didn't whimsically attack his enemies.. He conducted careful planning that included some kind of decision making process. Inside this process there were likely Center of Gravity (COG) analysis' which assisted him in determining where to focus his efforts. His COG analysis would have shaped his grand strategy as it revealed the key weaknesses of his enemies.
Clausewitz identified the COG as, "the hub of all power and movement, on which everything depends... and the point at which all our energies should be directed". In the Emperor's case the Jedi may have not been the initial choice. To the untrained eye, perhaps the Senate or Trade Federation would have seemed like better candidates. In my attempt to understand the thinking I have build a COG analysis to walk you through what his staff may have done to ensure they got it right. After all, the COG analysis is so important that if the staff gets it wrong and the leader doesn't catch it - he/she almost always loses.
So lets take a quick look... The Emperor's staff likely undertook the following steps:
1. Executed some kind of brainstorming session with a highly qualified group with diverse experience and opinions. Darth Vader would not have been welcome in this group because of his dogmatic tendencies.. ie.. choke his critics. The discussion would have been robust and the session would have produced a tight list of about 4 possible COGs.
2. The group leader would have then embarked on a great effort to screen out the faux COGs. This would have been tricky as the proposals could have had "defenders" who were emotionally attached and ready to defend theirs to the end. The group leader would have also fought tenaciously against "Group think".. Group think occurs when too many like minded people rally around their leader and try to force their idea as truth. often the idea is flawed and, if accepted, negatively impacts the mission.. The Emperor was obviously too clever to allow this so he probably put together an A-List team that looked and behaved more like the Jedi Council.
So, they would have had to rule out the Senate, Trade Federation, and perhaps a few more. The Senate could have been eliminated because it was indecisive - it had no real ability to push back and therefore wasn't "the hub of all power". The Trade Federation at one point it may have been a COG because it was attacked (manipulated) by the Order of the Sith Lords. His staff correctly identified The Jedi because they best met the criteria.. They were the hub of all power (guardians of the republic) and certainly had the ability to threaten the Emperor directly.
3. Their analysis of the Jedi COG was probably a little different than mine however it rendered what would be some solid Objectives.
Critical Capabilities: (These are the crucial enablers that allow the power base to function) Expressed as verbs: Sense, Attack, Influence, Command, Control.
Critical Requirements: (These are components or resources that enable the capabilities to be functional) They are typically nouns but also conditions: Training Center, Legitimacy, Networks, Light Sabers, Command and Control Center.
Critical Vulnerabilities: (These are critical vulnerabilities of the components of the critical requirements that are vulnerable to direct or indirect attack) These are also nouns: Jedi Council Members-Mentors/Trainers, power grid, Light Saber Production and Supply.
Undoubtedly the Crucial Vulnerabilities would have became some of his Strategic Objectives. Because of the unique powers of the Jedi, all would need to be destroyed but priority would be given to the council's senior members such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Whindu, Yoda, and the others who were not only senior adviser's but trainers and mentors. The Emperor would need to attack the Jedi Temple either directly or indirectly.. In the case of the movie he chose to attack it both indirectly (seducing Anikin) and directly (Darth Vader and his Clone Army), but if he was interested in rendering it temporarily useless he could have achieved the same effect by targeting its power grid. According to my COG analysis below he could have also pursued a simultaneous attack on Light Saber production and supply. This would have been interesting because the Jedi are tied to their unique weapon - no Light Sabers = no Jedi..
We know the Emperor failed... but was his strategic analysis wrong or did he fail in execution? Did he fail because not everyone was on board with his plan - loose cannon "Vader"? Or did he just bite off more than he could chew... I mean.. key figures such as Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi escaped and eventually defeated him. Would it have been possible to further break down the Critical Vulnerabilities from Jedi Council Members to Yoda and Obi Wan Kanobi? In this case, all the Emperor would have had to do was eliminate them and the galaxy would be his.. uncontested. Correctly identifying a COG is a difficult task and then analyzing it for its vulnerabilities is even more difficult. But if the staff gets it right and builds their plan around collapsing it, chances of success are greatly improved.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Command philosophy
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Execute the Mission
We will focus on our core mission - on the basics. I will utilize standard Army systems to do this. The key to successful operations is understanding the commanders intent. The commander's intent is not static, it will change as we move forward. I will express my commander's intent in terms of:
Purpose - not just the "why" in the mission statement
Key Tasks - if not accomplished bring mission failure
End State - define the end game.
We will use the push pull method to ensure all leaders successfully negotiate this dynamic road. Above all, the commander's intent provides the left and right limits to which subordinate leaders can make autonomous decisions. This space belongs to my subordinate leaders. It is where he/she plans the "how" of the mission statement. There is no room for micro-managing here. We will utilize the full range of army tools to include a few new technological instruments to ensure we are moving down the right path. For example:
- Quarterly Training Guidance - what I owe you quarterly that tells you where to focus
- Quarterly Training Brief - Commanders quantify and qualify training
- Weekly Battalion Maintenance Meeting - How I track our equipment readiness
- Streamer/Awards Program - To recognize excellence (Engagements, Crews... etc)
- Family Readiness Program - Keep our families informed, empowered, and ready
- Morale and Welfare Program - Work hard/Play Hard
- Technological tools of the modern era - My Leader Blog/Twitter/Facebook for Families
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I am a proponent of the 8-Step Training Model. Use this for each event and you won't go wrong! |
- Battalion, company, and platoon training will be planned using the 8 step training model
- Battalion, company, and platoon operations will be executed using the Warning Order (WARNO), 5 w's - What you know the truth to be at the that particular time
- 5 paragraph Operations Order (OPORD) (60 - 70% solution gets you out the door)
- Briefed to the widest possible audience, followed by a Commander's Backbrief, followed by a rehearsal. Rehearsals are key to success. If a leader fails in every other area, he/she can still carry the day by rehearsing the critical points of a mission.
- Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) Adjust your order as you go - send changes to subordinates
- Section size elements and below will utilize the Paralell Planning Process
We fight tonight
We must be the best we must be fully trained in our core competencies, physically, and mentally ready to dominate any environment. This is what will ultimately bring us all home safely. The we fight tonight mentality means just that.. we will be ready! This mentality must become the cultural touchstone of our organization. Our Soldiers, Army, and country deserve no less.
- 100% qualification on basic marksmanship
- 100% qualification on reflexive fire
- 100% stabilization of crew served weapons - that is the crews qualify together and are not whimsically broken up
- Cyber Security
We are stakeholders wherever we are, especially when we are deployed. When we are in garrison I expect a robust community outreach program. When we are deployed I expect a robust partnership and an outreach program. A robust partnership means we are actively mentoring the forces of our host nation. An outreach program means we are engaging the civilian population, where we can, to promote a positive image of ourselves and our country. We will actively utilize our intel assets to identify the hazards in this environment. We will mitigate risk as much as possible.
The future of our country and army is bright, but that doesn't mean we can let our guard down. We must understand that globalization quickly changes how we do business (the strategic Corporal). We must be able to quickly and safely integrate new technologies.. this is a key advantage. We must understand the environment in which we traditionally operate. This environment is currently dominated by three factors, the "Arab Spring", the "Nuclear Ambitions" of Iran, and the "ethno-religious political tension" that exists between them and other neighboring countries and regional powers. This includes the situations taking shape in the countries bordering Isreal. This is a complex environment that requires maximum situational awareness. To flourish in this environment we must live the Army Values, be flexible, highly trained, and well organized. We must have robust systems manned by certified and stabilized crews which have been certified, evaluated collectively, and validated by commanders.
I see organizations as series inter-related systems and sub-systems in constant interaction. Under normal operational conditions these interact effectively and efficiently. I will place these systems under stress continuously to ensure they are sound and flexible. To achieve success leaders will use my commander's intent and their initiative to either develop or modify existing systems to support my vision. If systems are in conflict then involved leaders fix them quickly. Disfunctionality makes us vulnerable. While we live an amazing technological age, we must remember that requires each of us to be better at almost everything.. to be the Pentathlete.
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